AmeriSys- A Davies Company

Platinum Sponsor 

About AmeriSys- A Davies Company

AmeriSys-A Davies Company, is a national managed care organization founded in 1985. The company is dedicated to providing comprehensive, quality services on a national basis with attention to local service. Services are provided to self-insured employers, insurance carriers, service companies and other medical management entities. AmeriSys is able to provide any or all of the components of a Managed Care Arrangement in compliance with jurisdictional statutes and rules. This includes Utilization Management, Preferred Provider Network, Network Direction, Utilization Review, Case Management (telephonic and in the field), Transitional Work, and aggressive Return-to-Work programs along with state-of-the-art software systems that track, quantify, and assist in managing the volumes of data necessary to effectively manage care. Effectively working with the employer and the employer's claim administrator is essential in the provision of managed care services in the Workers' Compensation environment. AmeriSys endeavors to team up with the claims administrator, arranging access to AmeriSys' management information software system (Corrus) for the administrator and/or the employer. Through the development and delivery of customized disability management programs for employers, AmeriSys has gained an intimate insight into the employers needs and perspectives, including not only the medical management of an injury, but also management of any disability or lost time process, FMLA and the ADA.
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